A Local Representation Agent functions as the point of liaison for a foreign company that wants to incorporate in Mexico. In the articles of incorporation of the Mexican company, he/she is designated as a Special Manager and is granted certain powers to act on behalf of the company and perform representative tasks before third parties. The position does not include the handling of cash or bank accounts or other types of administrative tasks. However, if negotiated between the company and the candidate, it may be included in the job description. The role is purely representative, at Start-Ops Mexico we will make sure to guide you through the whole process of the company's expansion. 


The first step is to make sure you comply with the requirements. 

There is a big sine qua non requirement for the position: you must have an RFC and a Mexican tax ID. If you are a foreigner in Mexico, you can get a tax ID if you have a temporary/permanent residency permit. 

Now that we got that out of the way let's see some other essential requirements.

  • Speaking English. You will be working with foreign people that most likely don't speak or understand Spanish, so it is essential to at least speak English, and other languages help as well.
  • Flexible Schedule. This job is designed for people that have the liberty of scheduling their own time. You will be accountable for attending certain important meetings that you should not miss.
  • Good Internet Connection. The job requires a lot of video conference communication, so it is crucial to have the setup to do it.

Those are essentially the only requirements to get a simple level Representative Agent job. What these companies need is an innovative, action-oriented person that knows how to solve problems on the go. However, to help this companies asses the talent of their Agents, at Start-Ops we have developed a series of skill assessment that you can take to increase your value to the eyes of these companies. The only mandatory assessment though is the English Proficiency Assessment, which is the reason we use it as part of the initial application.  

If you meet these requirements and this sounds like good job for you, please go ahead and apply for the position at any time you want. In this article we will guide you through the entire process. 

Applying For The Job

Click on the following link to start your application.

English Proficiency Assessment

You will be required to enter your name and email and be sent a link to your email to login.

Login with that link and you are ready to take the English proficiency test. Please remember that you only have 35 to finish the assessment. Don't worry it is not long, you should be able to finish in that timeframe easily. Also, you will have a three day deadline from the moment you applied to answer it. Sorry about that but this helps keep processes in track. You will be required to upload some audios speaking in English so please make sure that you have tested your equipment so you have no problems doing this. At the beginning of the assessment you will be prompted to do this. 

After clicking on Start Timer you will be taken to the first question in the assessment. Please answer all of the questions to the best of your abilities and submit your assessment for review. We will communicate you via email how you did on the assessment and let you know if you have made it to the second phase of the process.

Also, we will send you different options for assessment of skills in case you would like strengthen your profile.